WAIT THAT MEANS THEY'LL BE 12 MINUTES AWAY FROM ME?? GOD IS REAL! I BELIEVE AGAIN! I will be planning a stake out mission on Pennsylvania Ave come May 31st. Even if I just see their motorcade, that will be enough for me. https://media4.giphy.com/media/YFIn0ICJFwGNa/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952ddc6a1edcc6b84fa13a51b3168726417ed48a493&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g Which other AKP ARMY lives in Washington DC/DMV area?https://media4.giphy.com/media/YFIn0ICJFwGNa/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952ddc6a1edcc6b84fa13a51b3168726417ed48a493&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g