“The Ballad of Seodong” was a song that was used by an ambitious young man called Seodong to marry a beautiful princess called Seon-hwa 1400 years ago. Seo Dong’s real name was Jang (璋) and he later became the 30th King of Paekche who was called King Moo.
He was a talented person who had the makings of a great leader but he made a living by selling horses as a youth. The commoners simply called him Seo Dong. After hearing about the remarkable beauty of Princess Seon-hwa, who was the third daughter of King Jin-pyeong of the Silla Kingdom, he shaves his hair to disguise himself as a Buddhist Monk and slips into Silla to take her as his wife. He befriends the children in the capital of Silla by giving away horses and teaches them a simple song.
The name of the song is the Seodong song. Word of the scandalous song soon reaches the royal palace of Silla, and the princess is exiled to a faraway place. The queen gives the princess a bar of gold before she is exiled and during the princess’s journey, Seodong appears and persuades her to follow him. Though the princess has no idea where Seo Dong was from, she thinks it would be nice to have a friend on her long trip and follows him. The princess takes a liking to Seo Dong because he proves to be trustworthy and they eventually get married. Later, she learns that his name is Seodong and realizes how a simple song brought them together.