Posts by neurotickid123

    you created this account 2 days ago to come here and say "poor bts, they're in a cult"? go away amd stop giving credibility to mhj botting allegations

    i created this account to vent, yes. i am not trying to push a narrative if that's what u r thinking. i am just saying what's in my mind bc i don't habe anyone to talk to about it. it messed me up for a bit bc as much i like to distance myself from the artists that i listen to, bts actually helped me to distract myself from bad things that were happening in my life. so, yeah it's disturbing to me all of this mess and the chance that the memories could be tarnished. sorry.

    this is the only time i think i am going to comment on this thread but i always knew industries were awful and insidious in every place in the world. i began to get into kpop when the burning sun was happening. i think cults are just as dangerous as political connections. but seeing this unfold very publicly it's giving me the creeps, for real. i consider myself an army (i don't participate in fandom culture) and to know that, if the artists are cultists too it's just so so so sad. bc they recruited them really young, made them participate on those courses since high school... aside from the obvious pr hybe made them do, i don't think they are believers bc the cult beliefs don't align with the members words and actions as i watched bts related things along the years. but i also don't discard the chance that they are members of the cult, who knows. idk i feel pity for them and the other artists at this point. i feel like being rich isn't going to shield any of these artists of being in a very bad mental state BUT i hope bang pd is suffering very much so. i hate mhj too, but on a lesser level. sorry, i just needed to vent.

    It is more of a symbolic value, not that their tiny shrares will amount to anything

    agreed. i was just saying that after 2025, depending on what they decided on this new contract, we will see if they got more shares and thus more power. i don't think so. i think if they want to have power to be actually important shareholders they will have to buy shares themselves. tbh after this mess, i would just dip. lmao