Posts by kamonohashi
oh i thought xx was supposed to be the female chromosome thing. like born to be a woman
Dsp said so 🤷🏻♀️
i hope they know what they're doing
i mean english isn't even my first and i still know how to pronounce the word 'posse' but anyway, i don't think they're like newjeans at all. i don't know what to think about this group tbh. i do like mac & cheese tho. good comfort food
byob is the best song in that list
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well, this song about macaroni and cheese by the future leaders of kpop begs to differ. just you watch. this group alone will save kpop in 2024
see you in 7 years
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pigs aren't disgusting. they're delicious. fry up some bacon and put it on a burger. you'll change your tune. gotta give it to chae yeon though
agree. this is way better than any of their recent releases
that even if they wanted to. i also wonder about how many idols got forced to take experimental vaccines for the sniffles that wasn't really as safe and effective as advertised to say the least. seems alright so far which is good. not like all those athletes that just dropped dead during a game. hopefully they don't get severe side effects years from now and have that be the reason they have to walk away from their career or worse. seriously wouldn't know who else is worth stanning if something happens to yujin. since were still on the topic of health, they also probably should lessen the amount of times idols get smacked in the head with a toy hammer in variety shows to lessen the chances of 'em developing cte(chronic traumatic encephalopathy) which is also another medical issue that usually only starts to show severe symptoms years, and sometimes decades down the line
omg lost to super shy. that's unfortunate
oh i'm not a big jpop fan either even if i'm a weeb but the songs still sound a bit similar to kpop as opposed to a more western sounding english song aimed towards a more global market. i'm not like anti-english song since i can always just wait for the next cb in case a group decides to do an eng album like gidle just did a while back but i can't lie that i would much rather listen to korean songs because they have a distinct charm that you only get because of the difference in the way the words sound, cadence etc-- you know, all the linguistic properties that are inherent in every language. i just happen to prefer korean but that doesn't mean english songs suck or anything
wonder which artists they're talking about
anything but english songs
almost indistinguishable
i don't think she looks like a deer at all
track 3 sounds interesting