Posts by Gayforjendukie

    They've done one release together. You act like Hyuna didn't release a mini album before that. If they want to do an album together then that's fine.

    They both have much more control over what they create now so maybe you don't vibe with that. That's fine. They shouldn't have to change back into what they were doing at Cube if they don't want to.a

    Dawn's entire career is being shadowed by Hyuna because money (solo debut) was released on the same date as flower shower and giving it no promo dawn's only hit is with Jessi where he mentions Hyuna and their relationship the driving force most of dawn's activities.

    Its because of money most companies love money so whatever works for them.

    I guess don't vibe with their current musical direction for now will check out if she puts out sons later lol.

    They both seem happy together and that matters.

    No, it is completely refreshing to see a couple being out and proud. Other known couples aren't even seen together, they don't dare. That's depressing.

    Ig you missed my point pnation is pushing them like they are a couple rather than two seperate artists which they are and that has led to flanderization of their relationship which has overtaken their careers this can be specially with dawn.

    Also yeah dating should be considered normal.

    The only concern I have for them is, like, now they HAVE to be a couple. There have been so many couples that I forgot where even together or found out they since split because their being a couple was a far backseat to them doing their career thing. Maybe Hyuna and Dawn will last their whole careers! But it's tying their career to their personal choices makes unwinding harder if that's what they need to do for themselves.

    That's how I feel maybe I should've worded it better.

    If they're happy then who gives a shit? If you don't like Ping Pong then don't listen to it. It's not difficult.

    You missed the point I want pnation to promote both artists as themselves rather than making their relationship their identity like they're doing Also I meant to say it falls flat not that it's bad all the music they made in cube is relatively better than in pnation but to each their own.

    The one who screwed up here is Cube. Lost their most popular artist and ruined Penatgon's career who's popularity had finally started to rise. Kicking them out was a dumb move. Plain and simple.

    I think even Hyuna and dawn are the ones who who screwed up here because after cube denied the rumours they shouldn't have gone behind their back and confirmed the dating because that kinda removes validity of all of their statements made and that made in the future and now in pnation they are dealing flanderization of their relationship while cube takes their older contents revenue or atleast most of it. Dawn has screwed over his career whereas because if Hyuna and him breakup he'll not be able to do well as all of his popular songs are with Hyuna or about her. So the stick is short at both ends.

    But they both are happy and making money so I guess that's good.

    Since its January 1st it's k-pop couple time.

    When Hyuna and dawn went behind cubes back and announced after it had been denied they were dating and got subsequently kicked out of cube dawn was still a rookie in the industry whereas Hyuna was a larger than life soloist and one of the most popular rn too and there was a popularity difference then and even now. Hyuna had really loyal fans whereas Pentagon recently gained popularity.

    Rn Hyuna is yk Hyuna whereas dawn is kinda like a side character who just supports her and has been reduced to her bf. He is more popular as hyunas bf than dawn the soloist.

    I wonder how different would it be if they denied the rumours and still stayed in cube maybe Pentagon and him would be a pretty popular. Hyuna would be herself. Maybe they both would've continued to make good music because ping pong was flat compared to trouble maker and triple h.

    Also Ping pong felt like something for the public rather than the couple most of their content revolves around eachother rather than themselves as soloists. I know it's for the money but I wish we can see more solo dawn and Hyuna rather than Hyuna and her bf.

    Also I don't hate them for dating I just want them to be soloists who date than DATING soloists.