Well they recorded everything on tour to show on their vlogs (Jisoo did) so same instead of enjoying the moments and the cities
Jk she’s right
Well they recorded everything on tour to show on their vlogs (Jisoo did) so same instead of enjoying the moments and the cities
Jk she’s right
If true, have babies.
Damn, the combined beauty
Madrid in july is s*iside but fcuk it
Uh I better catch up, I have Disney🤣🥳
The character development Millano had in this 1 thread was amusing to read thank you xx-jenn-xx for the training arc
Also agreed that nut job excuse of a dad sucks big time, leave the poor kid alone
Just found this story on kb. Apparently more to the story?
his son don't even want anything to do with him. complete loose nut here lol
Well typical me to step into a beehive
Display Morei don't even know...he didn't make it on the group and his father is just really delusional. he had all kinds of shit all over twitter (now deleted) and was threatened to be sued by FNC. he's not doing his "son" any favors and they don't even talk. he's literally nuts.
insert psycho father click here
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I’m so stupid for thinking his dad was proud.
The title change LOL yea.... he's awful I think.. I didn't follow the saga closely but Kamden not thanking his father in a speech should say enough
Lol yeah well if the dad is a douche he should not have a heart
Its been over and that guy is his estranged father literaly harassing and attacking fnc and their artists all over social media hes a fucking psycho
Bro whaaat
Trying to cash in on the fame?
Sad parents are like that!