Posts by lv316lc

    I'm not an alt, haha. But I kind of disagree with them not participating in their music doesn't have any less changes as well as nobody paying attention to lyrics. BTS, especially the rap line has a certain style that I enjoy, (and i know that there are many other writers and they just participate) and their songs usually have a meaning to them. (not saying that all songs have to have deep meaning, because honestly they don't.) but i feel like their most recent 3 title tracks are just plain. I'm not oposed to them singing in English, their pronunciation doesn't matter to me at least, but I don't know really. Their newer songs just don't feel the same.

    I really like BTS, but I've been constantly just getting less excited for their title tracks/comebacks because I know that it'd be another English pop song with heavily autotuned voices with mediocre lyrics. i know that this is only my opinion but i honestly just find myself listening to their older songs (before Boy With Luv) and just never bothering to listen to their newer ones. I do enjoy their newer songs that aren't the title tracks, but even then it isn't the best in my opinion. And also I feel like the rap line isn't really involved with the writing process or just their songs in general anymore? Like they had no idea what to say when an interviewer asked them what the meaning of Butter was. If they keep on releasing songs meant for the western audience, I honestly think that I'd really completely lose interest in them.