Domestically it's Jennie, internationally it's Rosie
Ya'll give otg some time. It surely is gonna have good longevity
Domestically it's Jennie, internationally it's Rosie
Ya'll give otg some time. It surely is gonna have good longevity
Solo was trash so imma vote on the ground without looking up stats. Idgaf.
solo is iconic
Give otg time. Longevity matters the most
did u submit
did u submit
bumble-bunny Imjustbored itiswhatitisss where is taehyung did u guys forget to judge the FASHION KING!?!???
Lets not talk about it here
id have the best taste as a judge pls
Then replace bumble bunny u ho
im 16
The only judge with tasté is here
Can we get a sexy theme next
omg were both 17
We are
ugh im 18 soon. the superior age clearly.
Im soon to be 18 too we are the best bitches heremean-girls-19.gif
Im 18
Lisa best maknae. Most talented,kindest,sweetest,smartest and ethereal. May god bless u badass girl133772024_198651958585628_1612743571200036022_n.jpg
No its KFC. promote bp IN KFC OR ELSE
sgsgdkgdglk I already posted all of the sets that I made
As u should,flop
i have a lot of privileges...I gatecrash the plastics guild all the time with pics of the girls...
As u shouldnt. Ur privileges are limited to the kfc guildimages (18).jpeg