Posts by nitroso
I will be keeping a check for sure but they should interest with them content
Tokyo Ghoul
It means alot to me. I rarely say this to my family or friends but when I do it, it's from my heart and sincerely from my heart.
I rarely get to hear it. Of course, it felt a little special when my previous Exes used to say that to me when I was in love. I sometimes yearn to hear those words romantically from my crush but I aint getting it ever LOL.
Like always, whatever happens. MYs are dragged here and there. Like no one gave a shit when most of the fandoms were mass reporting AESPA's MV on Twitter and it wasn't only just one fandom but multi.
A newbie posts about how MYs are reporting ITZY's MV, everybody and their mamas are ready to discuss about it lol.
I will try to not to reply to these baits, cuz I have real work to do now.
Though I am grateful that this time the mods closed the thread quickly.
I'll make you cry, Illusion, Lucid Dream- TOP TIER.
AENERGY has a soft stop because it sounds perfect for concert opening.
On another note, I don't like to speak for other social media or forums but I remember multiple fandoms had grouped against MYs during GIRLS comeback. It wasnt stopping at all. with more than 10k likes on aespa hate tweets, twt MYs were seriously angered by it.
Now, its a battlefield, MYs are taking revenge. But I found this. the audio, I cant help it. I am crying-
if you are midzy, you wont like it but yeah it is what it is.
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One of the reasons why I lost interest coming here wasn't because of GIRLS era but Savage. Y'all know a lot of shit happened in previous eras too. But naah, this era also proved that this forum will still be obsessed with our fandom and accusing us of biased bs. and there receipts will always contain ANONS or TWEETS, lol.
and no matter how many times people try to say that no hate was thrown towards GIRLS comeback and it was criticism, I wasn't able to enjoy anything due to too many opinions. You make a thread praising them and suddenly a 14 years old experienced dancer or a vocal teacher with 60 years of experience emerges to not let us write anything.
Even though I didn't like GIRLS at all, I didn't write shit about it recursively. (except for bop or flop thread). I genuinely feel it wasn't up to the mark but I appreciate whatever they presented to us this comeback. There are some parts of the song and there are some steps of the song that deserves praise. And if we try to defend them, THEN WE ARE THE BAD GUYS. and if we dont, where are the MYs?
Yes, Giselle. I make my album house's chair out of those CDs.
Yikes, got banned. I was really not buying their "peaceful discussion" aura.
Like always, whatever happens. MYs are dragged here and there. Like no one gave a shit when most of the fandoms were mass reporting AESPA's MV on Twitter and it wasn't only just one fandom but multi.
A newbie posts about how MYs are reporting ITZY's MV, everybody and their mamas are ready to discuss about it lol.
I will try to not to reply to these baits, cuz I have real work to do now.