Posts by itsymoo

    ...It's because I'm grounded. My friends just told me that they got their report cards for the first semester by mail yesterday so that can only mean that mine is coming very soon. I have 4 A's, 2 B's, and 1 C. Pretty average. Well, my parents aren't average and they're probably going to yell at me, make me cry, give me a 2.5-hour lecture about grades and school, and ground me for like a month, and take all my stuff. Unless I can get to my report card first that is...

    Wish me luck, I have thousands of butterflies in my stomach right now. I've never got lower than a B and I've told my parents that I had all A's.

    Oh and selfmate this doesn't count because I need to get this out there and this wasn't told directly to you :)

    ay amor i will miss you if they do ground you but lets hope not