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Posts by vivienvn
This should be her title track !!!!!
Even though the girls are doing well as individuals but can't compare with as a group.
If she is going there for filming the MV, then the news shouldn't have announced she is going to PFW cuz its nothing related to it. So I am still hoping she will attend some shows there.
For Celine, I am not fan of their clothes, I think they are too old for Lisa especially some blouses they put on her. Hopefully she can work with other brands
Hopefully she can feature in Celine campaign in the future. Honestly, I never saw any Celine advisement before any where like YSL or Dior.
Imagine if it was promoted! Wish Lalisa is all English, too!
I am tired of seeing 100 threads complaining about Lisa'solo everyday here. How long are we going to whine about it? Let's just stop here. You guys are making her solo Era so annoying and miserable. Let's celebrate her achievements instead and move on. Lisa and Jennie are going to Paris so I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully Lisa can attend some fashion shows there.
I live for Jennie thighs. Look at em thighs 😍
Her power is insane! She is making banks indeed!
So proud of him! The song is so good!
A total bop, no argument here!
No matter how much we complained about it, her solo is already done, and nothing is going to change. So instead of creating n threads about the mistreatment , we should just stop here and happy for her that she got a chance to show us what she wanted. I am kind of glad it's over cuz for the past 2 weeks, it was so tiring with all the negativity about her solo. I just want her to rest, take sometime for herself and family, and comeback with other girls happier and stronger. That's all
Will she ever perform Money??????? Cuz I want ittttttt. Any way her outfit this time is beautiful
Savage queen! Money should be the title track 😘
I hope she can get another deal beside
Celine. I hope its Balmain though. I think their clothes fit her youth and charisma. Praying that she can go.
Whistle and DDU-DU DDU-DU
Alright, after watching the performance 20+ times, I absolutely love it. Even though I am not happy with YG, but like every body said, don't let all the negativity affects Lisa's solo time. We should celebrate it instead. Back to the dance video, I think the choreography fits the song. We know Lisa is capable of doing more than that, but I don't think the choreography is too important. What I was impressed the most was Lisa's out of the world charisma and attitude. She made the so so dance move so enjoyable to watch. And watching the performance made me love Money way more than before. I really think it should be the title track instead of Lalisa.