Posts by 9sfa

    I think that the webtoon dragged on and to this point it still doesn’t have a proper story as in what the hell is the point of the webtoon if she doesn’t accept her self and try to defend herself from others who say she is ugly. while the romance is a big part of the webtoon and drama, I also think the overall story should be to love yourself for who you and accept your insecurities and that’s what I think the drama has done. The drama only has 16 episodes and I knew for a fact that they wouldn’t do what happened in the webtoon as they just don’t have that many episodes to fit it all in without rushing it too much. In the webtoon, They did a time skip and they still carried on the story with seojun and ju-kyung dating and she hasn’t accepted herself. Seojun didn’t know how she really looked like which made me believe that while she might love him, she doesn’t have the confidence or trust to tell him about how she looks. In comparison to the drama, she didn’t exactly tell suho how she looks because he found out on his own but later on when everyone found out about how she really looks like, she stood up for herself and tried to defend her boyfriend. She become more confident and even came to school without makeup. The webtoon was a lot more confusing compared to the drama because she dated seojun but I always felt as though they were just best friends and the only reason she considered him as a potential boy friend was because of the 2 years they spent with each other and the fact that the guy she liked was in Japan. I dropped the webtoon because I didn’t want seojun to get hurt and be left alone. In both the webtoon and the drama I felt that suho and ju-kyung were a better match but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t like seojun. I prefer him in the webtoon because they didn’t make it out like he only started to have feelings for her because of his hatred for suho. In the drama, he kept trying to get close to ju-kyung whenever suho was around and tried to piss him off and I didn’t like that. However, as time went on he started becoming more genuine which was good. Also for all those saying seojun deserves better, I don’t really understand this. I may be misunderstanding this but I think he deserves someone that likes him as much as he likes her and that’s just not ju-kyung and that’s completely fine as she isn’t obligated to like him back. There isn’t anything wrong or bad about ju-kyung. I don’t understand why people are using the word ‘better’ like she has been playing them both or something. If people are talking about the story and he deserves better in that regard then I think that too. They shouldn’t have ended the drama without him somewhat letting go of his feelings for ju-kyung. In that way we would feel less sad for him and angry that he was heartbroken but with no closure. For example, he should have come to the conclusion that suho and ju-kyung really like each other before the time jump and after the time jump they shouldn’t have given him hope and his feelings should remain as something he would always remember but at the same time has let go of it and began a new stage in his life without the heartache. Anyways I’m glad that they followed the idea of finding yourself and acceptance.