Posts by prodigy210

    its not really comparable at all is the point lmao. most koreans are aware of what the rising flag looks like and aware of what it means. most people would not be able to identify that the mannequin was dressed in ww2 clothing. The koreans view what tiffany did as worse as i said because she is korean and they expect her to be able to identify the flag just how they shammed aoa group members when they couldnt identify the well known korean figures. The two situations just arent comparable. here is the nbuzz of korean comments about it as you can see its far less tame compared to backlash tffany got for clear reasons.…-rising.html#comment-form

    not really the same situation as you stated even though tiffany grew up in America she is korean and has lived in korea and promoted there for sometime now. Also it happened on national liberation day. a better comparison would be when usher wore a shirt with the rising sun flag on it.

    such a overblown controversy 90% of the world would not have recognized that was a german ww2 uniform and as for the kitler joke things like that are used all the time. grammer nazi, femanazi, ect. like people act like sinb is complementing her by callling her kitler. its a jokingly insult between friends.