USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Rape Remembered); Asian Race Privilege ??? ; 2021.05.31

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “USA Military <-- OKINAWA Rape 1995 (Year , Remembered) ; 2021.05.31” to “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Remembered) ; 2021.05.31”.
  • I actually never heard about this incident.

    And what their commanding officer said about they should have just got a prostitute is really off the mark. You can see that didn't just want sex. They wanted to rape.

    Horrible incident.

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Remembered) ; 2021.05.31” to “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Crime Remembered) ; 2021.05.31”.

    Click for TOP Message this Thread.

    Is DEREK CHAUVIN (White Race) worse ...

    Than the *3 Black Race* USA MILITARY members ...

    Who did RAPE to an *Age 12 Years* Girl on OKINAWA (Year 1995) ???

    There is no 'right or wrong' answer (my view) ...

    But , me , here , I do have a *preference* on it ... :wink:


    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Crime Remembered) ; 2021.05.31” to “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Rape Remembered) ; 2021.05.31”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Trigger Warning] USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Rape Remembered) ; 2021.05.31” to “USA Military <-- OKINAWA Incident 1995 (Year , Rape Remembered); Asian Race Privilege ??? ; 2021.05.31”.

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