• Um eg segði "hey tit", so høvdu tit verið ørkymlað.

    Kanska høvdu semingsfólkini í hesum kjakpallinum bannað meg, tí...

    Ja, eg tosi mítt móðurmál og tit fara ikki at kunna skilja meg við gugul umsetingini.

    Tað fer at halda eg eri íslendsk.

    Nei nei, eg eri als ikki íslendsk, eg eri føroyingur.

    Tað er ikki onkur tilvildarlig oyggj, sum liggur í Danmørk.

    Tað er ov langt burtur.

    Okur tykur

    rotnar fikur

    tosi ikki um spik.

    grind, spik og eplur.

    Hendan tráðin er so tilvildarlig.

    I ville måske forstå mig bedre hvis jeg talte dansk.

    Men jeg var 8 år før jeg forstod det.

    "Jeg er ikke nogen skødehund, jeg er en lossepladshund."

    Nei tvætl, jeg er ikke en hund, jeg er en gås.

  • Translation please LOL

    look at all the pretty letters :omgr:

  • Translation please LOL

    look at all the pretty letters :omgr:

    Well... translation:

    hello you (plural)

    If I said "hey tit" (also meaning "hey you") then you would be confused.

    Maybe the mods in this forum would have banned me, because...

    Yes, I'm talking my motherlangauge and you are not going to understand me with Google Translate.

    It is going to think I'm Icelandic.

    No no, I'm not at all Icelandic, I'm Faroese.

    It is not some random island that lies in Denmark.

    It is too far away.

    We you

    rotten figs. (famous rhyme in Faroese)

    Not talking about blubber.

    Dolphin meat, blubber and potatoes. (reference to a game)

    This thread is so random.

    (switching to Danish)

    You would maybe understand me better if I spoke Danish.

    But I was 8 years old before I understood it.

    "I'm not a house pet, I'm a junkyard dog" (actually I was saying a line from the Danish dub of Lady and The Tramp sequel, which I watched a lot as a child back then.)

    Just kidding (again in Faroese), I'm not a dog, I'm a goose.

  • lol the translator literally said "No shit, I'm not a dog, I'm a goose." LOL

    and I was like...Goose doesn't swear...no way lol


    but that was very random but interesting at the same time lol

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