I Hope This Restores Your Faith In Humanity - Ongoing Egg Project

  • Hello! As I'm sure most of you know, there are a lot of sad things going on in this world. I figured I should do something to make up for it, so here I am. Just to clarify, I am in no way posting this here for akorns, attention, praise or anything like that. I'm just posting this so you can rest at night knowing that there's still kind people in the world who genuinely want to make it a better place. Anyway, now onto what is going on.

    Basically, I spent a ton of money buying more than 1,000 plastic eggs, 2,000+ pieces of candy and some stationary supplies. My plan is to fill 900 of these eggs with two or three pieces of candy (depending on the size of the candy). Some will only get one piece if it's a big one because the eggs themselves are not huge at all. In fact, two of the candies I got a both just slightly too big to fit, no matter what I do, so I plan to eat those or give them to people who help, but that's aside from the point. As for the other 100 eggs, I'll fill them up with small stationary supplies in case anyone is allergic to something or has other dietary restrictions and can't have the candy. I thought about doing small toys, but figured stationary was more practical and would be more appreciated. In addition to that, inside each egg, I plan to put a small motivational quote or compliment or something nice like that.

    I started filling some of the eggs up today, but only got 96 done. Also, I realized the following, in no particular order:

    1) You can, in fact, fit both an Almond Joy and two Starburst into the same egg if you squish them enough.

    2) 1,000 eggs will fill up an entire suitcase.

    3) Filling up even 48 eggs takes forever.

    Here's some pictures I took of my progress so far, as proof that this is real and I am doing this:

    Hope this made your day better and restored your faith in humanity. I'll keep you updated if you're interested in seeing how this goes. If you have questions/concerns, feel free to let me know. Have a great day/night!

  • YouChanDoThis

    Changed the title of the thread from “Ongoing Egg Project” to “I Hope This Restores Your Faith In Humanity - Ongoing Egg Project”.

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