Seungwan in Twenty Five, Twenty One Kdrama
Her strength of character really shone through when she refused to back down in the face of losing everything she's ever worked hard for. I love, love SeungWan sticking with her principles — doing what’s right despite the consequences. A lot of times, we’re told (or shown in media) that doing right things always make us feel good or give us rewards. But it’s not always like that IRL. Half of the time, doing what’s right could result to shitty consequences in our lives. And that’s where our principles are measured — if we will still choose right over our comforts or privileges. SeungWan gave up her star academic path just to do what is right.
Seungwan's really climbing up as one of my favorite female characters ever, especially with "I don't want to live just minding my own business just because it doesn't concern me". I can really feel and understand her anger