- Start from the number one and keep counting until you and the other players reach your goal!
- You do not have to count in turns, whoever sees the number first will post.
Be careful!...
If one person repeats a number:
player a: 1
player b: 2
player c: 3
player d: 3
player e: 4
player f: 5
player d will transfer 2 akorns to player c because player c already posted the number first. the game continues, and player d can keep playing.
If the number is repeated 2 times:
player a: 1
player b: 2
player c: 3
player d: 3
player e: 3
player f: 4
player d and e will both transfer 2 akorns each to player c.
If a number is skipped:
player a: 1
player b: 2
player c: 3
player d: 4
player e: 5
player f: 7
player g: 6
player f will transfer 2 akorns to the user who posts the correct number (in this case, it is player g)
- If any users aren't posting for at least 20 minutes:
it doesn't matter as long as the counting is in order. you can post twice if a row in no one else posts for a while and/or in order to keep the game going. as long as its not blatantly collecting
If one person repeats a number:
credits to
@zuzuhhaa for the rules and everything written here