Do you really think the prices of items in BTS Artist Made Collection is justified?

  • I don't think so.

    All of them were cool and well thought items. If I could I would love to buy them all, but I wish the prices were a bit less. I mean I can understand putting a price like $150 on hoodies (still expensive but most artist clothing merch are at same price).

    But I can't imagine spending like $150 on a small bluetooth speaker + lamp. These aren't manufactured by renowned electronic brands like Apple or Samsung (people mostly go branded ones bc of quality even though other brands sell for a much less price). I mean even Samsung, the biggest electronics brand in Korea won't sell this mood lamp for such a ridiculous price.

    They most likely manufactured this from China, where electronics are extremely cheap in cost (this lamp would cost less than $20 in China). Again the shipping cost is added separately, so the rest $130 goes to profits? :eyes:

    And this is only Jungkook's merch. I'm not even bringing up other member's collection items here.

    How will HYBE stans justify this price saying how is all for the company's labourers? I mean HYBE had most likely asked a third party to manufacture these items (HYBE doesn't own any manufacturing unit), so most of the cost of producing these items is spent on with paying the third party manufacturers.

    See I know they wanna make huge cash from this BTS collection, but seeing company stans defend the label and saying the price is justified just boils me inside. It's like they're speaking from privilege and us middle-lower classed fans can never complain that we can't afford it. screams "boo hoo, it's you're fault you're poor" kinda energy.

    I'm sorry for the rant but I wanted to get this off my chest.

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  • Basic economics: offer and demand. If fans are willing to pay, bankrupt them.

  • It’s not like the ticket prices are cheap either.

    Corporations just getting the dime before hallyu is over?

  • honestly just suck it up

    you cant afford it :blehr:

    i cant afford it

    lets learn to deal with the fact that we are poor :sadr:

    also start making these threads on the main forum

  • In the end it's worth whatever people are willing to pay for it.

    It's not like this stuff is essential to human survival. It's just luxury goods. Cheaply made ones probably.

  • if you can’t afford it that’s your problem.

    there is so much demand and price is justified. seller has the right to proce their items ¬‿¬

  • it is up to each buyer’s financial capacity and want whether an item is worth it or not.

    even if i was a fan of bts, i can afford it and i wanted to buy those merch, there is so much demand.

  • It's the demand vs stock. There wasn't much stock to begin with to the point that even if fans who could afford it wanted it, they couldn't. Since there is so much demand but little stock, hybe will definitely sell for more. That's basic economics. I'd love to know why they couldn't make more but I know some people stated that prices have gone up due to the pandemic and shipping cost has tripled in some areas. I also couldn't afford one but that's because I didn't want to give up other things in life.

    Just an example but I tend to go to starbucks twice a week and each coffee is about $5.00. So in a week I spend $10. If I stop going to starbucks for 4 months I could definitely afford it with the money I saved up. I also spend $20 a month to do my eyebrows, $50 every two months for a hair cut, $100 a month on fast food, etc. If I cut back some costs I could buy it, but to me personally I didn't want to.

    I also didn't think the product justified the cost, but the same can be said about my current iphone. I don't think I will ever spend $1000 one a phone so I have been using my iphone 7 for almost 5 years before it broke and I had to get a new one. And even that I got a refurbished $500 iphone 11 cause there was no way I was spending more than that for a phone. But other people who are iphone fans think that the price is worth it and buy it. People were complaining about the price but there were enough people buying the phone that apple decided to keep the phones at these prices.

    At the end, a company is in it to make money and if there are enough people willing to pay these prices, of course hybe will keep these prices. Just like starbucks coffee is $5 or iphones are $1000, these are all overpriced but people still buy them. You as a consumer get to make the choice of if the price is worth it and if you are willing to cut back on some things.

    Also, why did you put this in anons, there were plenty of people who shared their opinion on this in the main forums and they were all quite honest. Also, this is the second thread about this topic. Just makes me wonder if you're an anti in disguise. This is the part that sucks with anons. You can never tell.

  • Tldr: most electronics are made in China, even Apple's. Very few aren't.

    Anyways, who cares? I'm a fan of their music, not merch.

  • OP, it's called supply and demand. Also, iPhones are manufactured in China where labor is cheap but they're not selling them for $20 either.

    Anyway, it's not a basic necessity just like a lot of kpop goods so it's up to them how much they want to sell it.

  • Is merch meant to be affordable? All the merch I see is always ridiculously overpriced so I didn't notice anything off with hybe. Even random YouTuber merch is overpriced despite their shitty designs and lower brand value

  • Is merch meant to be affordable? All the merch I see is always ridiculously overpriced so I didn't notice anything off with hybe. Even random YouTuber merch is overpriced despite their shitty designs and lower brand value

    Honestly this! Big Hit was nice with the merch prices but Hybe isn't. It's just the armys (or maybe kpop in general idk) aren't used to it.

  • Quality has nothing to do with it. They'll charge what they can get away with. HYBE is fully aware that the rich end of BTS's fandom can comfortably afford those prices, so why lose out on that readily offered profit? And many others will beg borrow steal to find the money just to own another BTS-related item.

  • Over-priced products are never justified in my books no matter how popular the brand is to me, especially those that are endorsed by celebrities with no guarantee on the quality. I'm a fan that only support their music/album, never bought any merch, not even Army Bomb unless BTS announce a tour date in my country.

    But seeing how the merch are still sold out eventually, I'm really over these merch complaints. Some fans just have different mindsets and priorities than normal consumers. If people have money to spare, let them be I guess.

  • To those who are complaining... To each their own.

  • have you seen how armys act on the kpop section? I was just trying to rant but if it's on the main forum, this would most likely become a hit thread with the continuous fighting, and then they would blame OP for "seeking attention".

    I would forget this topic after a few days, but users here won't :suure:

  • I was only here to rant but I forgot to mention some things here. So I'll just answer them while quoting.

    OP, it's called supply and demand. Also, iPhones are manufactured in China where labor is cheap but they're not selling them for $20 either.

    Anyway, it's not a basic necessity just like a lot of kpop goods so it's up to them how much they want to sell it.

    Tldr: most electronics are made in China, even Apple's. Very few aren't.

    Anyways, who cares? I'm a fan of their music, not merch.

    Almost all electronic devices are made in China, but big brands have their own manufacturing plants. But HYBE is an entertainment company (they might've changed to some other thing, but we know they don't manufacture anything), so they only create the idea and design (fix the price as well). The product is completely made by third party.

    Quality has nothing to do with it. They'll charge what they can get away with. HYBE is fully aware that the rich end of BTS's fandom can comfortably afford those prices, so why lose out on that readily offered profit? And many others will beg borrow steal to find the money just to own another BTS-related item.

    but for electronics & motor vehicles, it does do. People trust the quality of the brands and that's why they buy them, not only bc it's from a luxury brand. Compare the high end model from a big brand (like Apple & Samsung) and a similar model from a local brand, and the contrast in quality is noticeable.

    But again, the fandom wouldn't care about this and neither would I, bc it's a product that is personally designed by BTS. Deep down I wish we weren't this and HYBE wouldn't capitalize on us like this.

  • I do think it’s a bit over priced. BUT.. all items sold out quickly. And those which were bought by scalpers, are sold on eBay for around 2-5x times over the original price.

    I would hate if these leeches bought the merchs at a cheaper price and still can resell them at way higher price.

    Me personally would love to have any of the merchs but I know it’s just a luxury. I have spare cash but rather use it for other things. Great for those who can afford them.

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