Display MoreIs this song going viral or something somewhere because it has a bizarrely high amount of playlisting. Currently it has a reach of 17m, which might not seem like that much, it isn't overall. But for a debut song from a Korean gg...yeahs it's actually enormous...
That beats several big songs peaks from more internationally known groups. That's more playlisting than both Itzy and Aespa's entire discographies right now. That's higher than even songs like Lalisa right now...really weird.
I've not seen something like this before, for a song to be added to so many playlist so early on....it's not really normal.
Edit: To also note it updated by 10 million playlisting reach in a couple of days....
A mid tier company doing a better job than JYPE this can’t be real
I don’t think that’s weird companies have the money and connection to give to their artists good play-listing but they don’t also 17M ain’t that much compared to what western artists are pulling