BiSH's Ayuni D becomes a wanted "fugitive", investigation team offering fans 100k bounty for clues leading to her capture

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    Ayuni D has become a wanted fugitive, an investigation team composed of members of the Youtube team "Dai2" has been tasked with her capture,

    for the week of Nov 15 - 21 Ayuni D must avoid capture while sneaking into a set number of Tower records stores before heading to Sapporo Factory on the final day, the stores are going to be randomly selected and could be located anywhere in Japan, information about her whereabouts it's going to be keep secret and is up to fans to find her

    the investigation team is asking fans who spot her to take a picture of her and share it on twitter with the hashtag #PEDRO1週間逃亡生活, fans who provide useful clues are going to be eligible to receive a 100k yen reward

    since she is a dangerous fugitive fans have been asked to not try to engage the target in any way

    she could be anywhere, she could be behind you :sweat:


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    she is doing this in celebration of the release of PEDRO's new album "後日改めて伺います" (I'll come back later), she started the band PEDRO in 2018 but it was announced that later this year they are going on an indefinite hiatus

    btw i just remembered that Ayuni D has a Grade 2 in management of 4 types of Hazardous Materials so she’s qualified to handle flammable liquids and fuels,

    if she wanted she could be really dangerous eMna9WM.png


    Edited once, last by stanBiSH ().

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