So recently I watched this video of a plastic surgeon talking about kpop idol/celeb plastic surgery and somethings caught my eye.
It was this video btw
1. A normal nose tip length should be around the same as normal lip length. (8:48)
So for this one. My nose tip length and lip length don't line up( I have never had ps btw)
I am not sure if he is talking about the nose nostril tip or the nose tip because if it is the nostril tip then my nose isn't weird because my nostril tip lines up with my length but if he is actually talking about my nose length overall then my nose is weird because it exceeds my lip length.
2. That you can't get a straight line bridge nose without ps? (5:33)
Ok so the thing is, my brother has a straight line bridge nose thing but he didn't have plastic surgery(he is 5 yall).
I was wondering if these facts are real or fake or are my brother and I magical creatures?