C4 bcz ghostings ghosted me...
chaengaro-o now you ghost me
Sorry was making a thread
@ripia gg
and you still beat me smh
If only that was the tournament, i would've took a sc and put it as my sig!
lol its not going to be down to a single game though, it will be like best of out 3 for the final rounds
Let's hope i even make it to the final rounds.. i better do bcz i have to beat u
I'll spoil how the first round will go.
You have to get 3/5 wins in tournament verirfied games, so against other tournament players.
you can only play 5, if you lose 3 out of 5 then you dont proceed, there is a catch and its that you have to accept someones challenge if they challenge you. if you win 3 you dont have to play 2 more, but, you can if you want and if you are challenged you have to.That's gonna be real difficult to keep up with tbh.. and it might take a while no? Like a whole month?
And i can easily avoid playing pros by challenging 3 newbies, I'll win and move on with my life
I'm going to have an event thread where people have to challenge others there. And moderators we can see on our side, when users lose or earn akorns from the arcade, so I'd just have to look at the users akorn history to see if they won, or lost.
It wont be too hard, and i imagine users will understand the concept too. Probably only me or superyeah could hold this event from the staff cauase the others dont understand the arcade that well.
but yeah it wont be easy, thats why i was considering sitting out but I'll try get my games out of the way quickly, I wonder if anyone will challenge me?You both can avoid that if you play only one game a day tho.. you'll finish yours and be free to watch the others..
And I'm challenging you rn!! I'll be the one to make you lose that tournament just you wait
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