Just something I noticed, DSP Suddenly today turned off the ratings for Kara's MVs. I watch this like once a day because it is on my work music playlist. I do not know how I did not notice but the comments have become a war ground again out of the blue and fans are begging the horrid comments stop and talking about how SNSD loved Kara to try to deflect from the hostility. It looks like DSP might be working on removing some of the comments too as I responded to someone claiming Hara chose to be abused and had ruined her ex's career, and now it is gone.
Question I have is, why did hateful people start just popping up to post hostile comments a year and a half after she took her life? Do these people not have anything better to do?
Also, I feel this is a little belated on DSP Media's part but I appreciate them removing a lot of the detailed and horrid comments about this angel.