Its honestly concerning.
I recently had to do some deep research into some of the wars that have happened in history and a lot of them were the result of political conflicts. It's almost always some sort of power struggle but the interesting thing is that all these conflicting interests are usually between political leaders and very rarely do the political leaders actually take into account how their trivial conflicts harm the people they claim to serve, protect, and defend.
Political leaders are elected in some cases and they're elected to lead with the best interests of their people at heart but why do their citizens' best interest have come at the expense of the lives of millions of others? Is this truly how humanity has evolved?
How do people even have it in them to place so much power into the hands of ONE person and think "I trust this person with not only my life but the lives of thousands, if not millions"?? Especially when our deeply interconnected history has taught us how ridiculously stupid it is to do this??