Just a 'rant'(?)' kinda thread and promoting some of the latest activities in one to prevent annoying spamming of pretty similar material. But I do respect everyone I'm mentioning and thought more people not see the same updates and posts I do, and may not know. So just wanted to do to a short post this time!
I'm looking forward to JAYB's first full album [Archive 1: Road Runner]. I may not have Instagram anymore but you can still view and read posts up to a certain point, and his 'feed' is something that's my style and he (at least to me) genuinely seems like a good guy. He is currently teasing the upcoming album.
BANG&JUNG&YOO&Moon New Official LightStick. (Which still has the Matoki Character!)
Yongguk also posted about the story and being able to bring back the Matoki back to fans and I thought it was cute.
BTOB Lee Changsub looking stunning in red for Esquire Korea!