Sure, they'll probably go on tour again, but it won't be the same since they might not play the songs from their current era. The conceptual stage production would be catered to a different era, which likely wouldn't be the same as the one you're interested in.
This is a non-K-pop example, but... Justin Bieber and his Purpose era. I loved that album, the aesthetics, the outfits, the tour stage production, and the whole aura of it. Sadly, I wasn't really interested in going to concerts at the time, so I missed out on it. Back then, I didn't care, but I feel a bit sad about it now. Sure, I could probably go to a Justin Bieber concert when he tours again, but it wouldn't be the same. His latest tour just doesn't hit the same from what I've seen, through no fault of his own. I still like some of his newest music, but Purpose era was perfection to me.
When it comes to K-pop, I'd say BIGBANG's MADE World Tour is another one I feel this way about.
Can you relate?