There's nothing wrong with people reading "TikTok books"

  • People say "Young people don't read anymore"

    But then they also complain about young people not reading the "right" books.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with people reading a book that they discovered because of TikTok, or books that are popular on that thing.

    Even though I am the kind of person who enjoys seeing people talking trash about Colleen Hoover books and Ali Hazelwood books. But I'm not going to judge people who like those books.

    Even though some of the popular romances have toxic love interests. And I feel like it is a problem if a book targeted towards teenage girls has a toxic love interest. (because when you're young and reading books like that, you might end up thinking that the toxic things are romantic.)

    And I'm getting reminded of when I was 17 years old and writing a young adult romance, where in one scene...

    But well, as a librarian, I have seen children and teenagers reading stuff that some people maybe wouldn't consider "real" books, like graphic novels, Donald Duck comics, popular YA books, non-fiction books about soccer players etc...

    I remember though that when I was a child and teenager, I mostly read children's books. (mostly some classic Scandinavian books like the ones written by Astrid Lindgren)

    I did read The Hunger Games though when I was a teen, and also remember some of my classmates reading the books and them being excited to watch the movie adaptations. (some people sometime talk about these books as just being a "trashy teenage book about some teenage girl in a love triangle")

    I do remember though one time that I was in a bookstore, I was standing by the "English Young Adult Books" section and noticed two girls picking up After by Anna Todd, which pretty much used to be a Harry Styles fanfic.

    And I was having judgmental thoughts like "Seriously? That book? You could have picked a better one."

    But I haven't even read the book (only heard people talking badly about it. I'm still not interested in reading it, but still I shouldn't judge people for reading what they want to read.

    Okay, I ended up rambling.

    I probably should have been reading a book instead, just kidding.

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