How long did it likely take for this generation to stop fighting over who's the undeniable number 1 girl group?

  • I think we need 1 more comeback to end the arguments. If NJ release a BOP again, the story will shift to touring amongst 4th gen GG and 5th gen will most likely just fight amongst themselves .

  • The never ending payola, like it's not normal to have your song on tth when you're almost out of top 200. the real top will be the big tour acts anyway.

    The receipt is there on spotify.

    OOTG #6 on global placed low with small gap to nj song on TTH. Meanwhile jungkppk song still in top 10 tth too. Why are we still using spotify or bbchart for comparison when they pay for everything nowadays. Compare the amount of People who loyal to you makes more sense

  • I think we need 1 more comeback to end the arguments. If NJ release a BOP again, the story will shift to touring amongst 4th gen GG and 5th gen will most likely just fight amongst themselves .

    Tbh, I think NJ is at that hype stage that their next song could literally be the musical equivalent of a turd on a plate and it'll still do astronomically well.

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