S.M pulls Ten out of TenCent's event?

  • Today, there was the press conference for Chuang Asia, of which Ten was one of mentors. All mentors present in flesh


    but Ten, who showed up as VTR


    because he had left to Korea on the previous night for call-sign event.

    It was rumored that S.M deliberately set the call-sign event on the press conference day so Ten would skip the event. Besides, call-sign could have taken place in Thailand so Ten could have attended the whole event, taken a nap then, call-sign.

    Since TenCent is a giant in C-showbiz, a beef against this conglomerate should be avoided for WayV to have any future. This decision of S.M badly is puzzling fans.

  • Why are they sabotaging Ten and WayV on purpose? what problem does SM have with Wayv and letting them get bigger as a group :/

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