피프티 피프티, 결국 ‘항고’ 결정…“본안소송도 제기할 것” [공식]
그룹 피프티 피프티가 소속사 어트랙트를 상대로 낸 전속계약효력정지 가처분신청에 대한 기각 결정에 대해 항고한다. 30일 피프티 피프티의 법률대리인 법무법인(유한) 바른은 공식입장문을 통해 “전속계약효력정지 가처분신청
I am wondering what make them doing this. Do they really have big evidence that the company is trash or something?
Unless they can turn the situation around otherwise they are just digging their own grave deeper and deeper.
It's just not common at all for netizen to support the company. The situation is not great and it is going to be the end of their career.
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