Warm Hug | Seonghwa fanfic

  • At first the fanfic was going to be a bit different, but whatever.

    Warm Hug

    Snowflakes are falling outside the window of Seonghwa's house.

    He and his girlfriend, Maeum, are sitting on the couch together, while watching a documentary about birds on TV.

    The documentary starts showing a red cardinal, and Seonghwa starts thinking about when his friends used to call him Angry Bird as a nickname because of his bushy eyebrows. Sometimes he didn't like that nickname.

    "That bird looks beautiful." she says.

    A smile appears on his lips.

    "I agree." he responds.

    His cheeks turning pink as he looks at her face and admires it.

    Then the documentary shows a house sparrow eating berries from a tree.

    "I know that sparrows really like berries, seeds and insects." she says.

    "Oh really?" he asks with a smile on his face.

    "Are you laughing at me?" she asks.

    He looks at her face, his smile disappearing as he sees her looking sad.

    "No, I'm not." he replies.

    "I'm used to people making fun of me for it," she looks at the floor. "And some of them even telling me to stop talking about birds all the time."

    "Listen, I find it adorable when you talk about birds," he says. "I can tell that you like them a lot, so I won't tell you to stop."

    A tear falls down her cheek and a small smile appears on her lips.

    Seeing her tears, he takes her hand, caressing her knuckles with his thumb.

    "Oh, you hand feels cold." he says. "Are you freezing?"

    "A bit."

    "Maybe a hug would make you feel warmer."

    Her cheeks turn into the colour of a flamingo.

    "So," he says with a smile. "May I hug you?"


    He smiles, before he puts his arms around her.

    She rests her cheek on his shoulder.

    "Do you feel warmer now?"

    "A little bit."

    He caresses her hair and then his hand goes lower to her upper back.

    "Sparrows like berries, right?" he says.


    "I'm a sparrow and you're my berry."

    "You don't want to eat me, do you?"

    He laughs.

    "No, I was just trying to say that I like you."

    "Oh... sorry."

    "Even though I like..." his heart starts fluttering. "the taste of your lips."

    "I like you too, my Happy Bird."

    "Happy Bird?" he asks confused.

    "Yes, because you're not angry, you're happy."

    A huge smile appears on his face.

    "Words cannot describe how happy you make me feel." he says.

    The End.

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