Beware of the scarlet silk witches, they'll be coming after all evil lads
Hoy, art thou, art thou, art thou him?
Unique amidst a massive throng
I admire thy visage's indifference
Attracts me to make inquiry
Thine doublet, so refined to me
But thou failst to mask thine attention paid to fashion
Just as I pretend ambiguity, I approve
Even if I divert my glance, I want thee
Ooh, I laugh at my peculiarity
These summer days are hot, ha ha
Your eyes bake me like the sun, ooh
Haunt me like a graveyard spirit
All applause, though art too swift aah haa (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Even when thou attemptst deception (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Let us wager
Don't arrive too soon
Tis unenjoyable Ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Shall we hither and thither Ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
I'll begin, vile knave, out
Whoa, whoa,
Henceforth, vile knave out
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Come hither a minute, I have must confess to thee
Draw near, lower thy head and kneel before me
Nothing else concerns thee
Behold my voice
This circumstance is quite strange
I wonder how my orbit revolves
Thou knowst, (wherefor?) Thou knowest, (speak)
The opportune time has past
Tis true, (aye) My confidence is limitless
I only play games I win, ha ah ah
Tis thus halfway finished
Follow me as if I were your obsession
Applause from all, you're too soon ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Though thou hast feigned otherwise ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Let us wager
Don't arrive too soon, Tis unenjoyable ooh ooh, (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Shall we hither and thither, ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
I'll begin, vile knave out
Thou art troubled, thou canst not imagine
Even if I attempt annulment, no small chance
The answer, tis fixed. Thy nature is to follow (followest)
I chose thee as though thou weret mine to possess
Applause from all, and quoth they (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
This union is eternally similar ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
See, I won anon
Don't arrive too soon.
Tis unenjoyable ooh ooh (ee-aye-ee-aye-ooh)
I can't escape (ee-aye-ee-aye-oh)
Tis easy for me, vile knave out