"Women - make sure to give your man massages, men need physical touch too! Make sure to buy your man flowers, men need tokens of affection too! Make sure to stroke his hair and give him forehead kisses, men need romance too! Make sure to buy your man a PS5 and VR headset for Christmas, men need to be spoiled too!"
Girls buy into and comply with all this, but can we get one little "Men - try to not treat your girlfriend like crap!" trend? I just see my male friends get more entitled and my girl friends exhausted trying to run their own lives and be a sexdoll/assistant/mother/therapist/sugarmama for their man. My friend took a second job to surprise her man with a trip to Tokyo for a gaming theme park, and he ran off with his friend's cousin. These trends are just another way to keep women under the thumb - and make it feel like it's their idea.