Lily Rose Depp denies being a nepo baby, model Vittoria calls out nepo babies for their privilege

  • ah yes, a model

    the people that get chosen purely because of a combination of VERY specific genetic traits that the modelling industry likes, talking about privilege


    nepo babies can be delusional for sure, but models are no less delusional about how freaking lucky their careers are

    u r m o m g a y


  • Literally everything is about luck, intelligence is about luck, every little bit of your personality is a combination of your genetics and your surroundings (therefore luck), physical strength is about luck, health is about luck, talent in composing/singing/dancing/writing/whatever is about luck, everything you need for any career is about luck. It's not about luck, it's about a trait being actually relevant to your job output and performance, I'm pretty sure the name of your parents isn't relevant to that in any job. (Plus there's the whole "rich getting richer, poor getting poorer" social issue, you don't really have an issue that is THIS deep-set with any other "lucky" trait - okay, you could make a case for lookism but if you're looking across all career fields etc. it's still much, much less of a factor than wealth/family background)

  • Literally everything is about luck, intelligence is about luck, every little bit of your personality is a combination of your genetics and your surroundings (therefore luck), physical strength is about luck, health is about luck, talent in composing/singing/dancing/writing/whatever is about luck, everything you need for any career is about luck. It's not about luck, it's about a trait being actually relevant to your job output and performance, I'm pretty sure the name of your parents isn't relevant to that in any job. (Plus there's the whole "rich getting richer, poor getting poorer" social issue, you don't really have an issue that is THIS deep-set with any other "lucky" trait - okay, you could make a case for lookism but if you're looking across all career fields etc. it's still much, much less of a factor than wealth/family background)

    you know what? NO

    "Talent" is more often than not just skill honed thru interest from a young age in most cases

    SOME cases are different like people with extraordinarily fast working brains or muscles, but those are 0.01% cases

    there's millions of people who are good at their work, who can be dismissed as simply being born special, but no

    these people had to spend thousands, maybe tens of thousands of hours from their early childhood to actually become GOOD

    hell even the most gifted person on the planet has to spend ATLEAST 1000 hrs to stand out among the best

    looks do NOT fall into the category of talent, atleast not this kind of talent

    both are ultimately down to luck, but one is far more affected by conscious decision making

    looks are pure unadulterated luck

    and dont even start talking about posing and walking, they are taught that after their looks are accepted, not the other way round

    u r m o m g a y


  • What you call "conscious decision making" is, as I said, nothing but a result of nature and your surroundings. Every part of your personality, including every decision you make is. It's all genes interacting with every single factor and detail you've encountered by luck in life.

    Also still doesn't change my main argument of "Does this trait affect job performance/output?" (Because looks for models do affect job performance and output, your parent's name doesn't).

  • What you call "conscious decision making" is, as I said, nothing but a result of nature and your surroundings. Every part of your personality, including every decision you make is. It's all genes interacting with every single factor and detail you've encountered by luck in life.

    Also still doesn't change my main argument of "Does this trait affect job performance/output?" (Because looks for models do affect job performance and output, your parent's name doesn't).

    i wasnt really defending nepotism at all

    of course its a total scam

    what im trying to get at is, models are just one step above in the ladder of low effort employment opportunities

    and thats a ladder with a million steps

    u r m o m g a y


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