XI (PRChina Leader) = TYRANT for LIFE ??? ; 2022.10.14

  • archive.today/lUbFJ

    XI (PRChina Tyrant) Jinping and the Perils of Overreach ; 2022.10.14


    Begin Quote --> ... (XI) It’s anyone’s guess how much longer (his) rule will last, but there appears no end in sight ... <-- End Quote


    XI’s Power in PRChina grows after unforeseen rise to dominance ; 2022.10.14

    *** Begin Quote ***

    (Alfred Wu = Prior News Reporter on XI for 'Chinese State Media' in Fujian = Currently an associate professor of public policy at the National University of Singapore) ... Mr. Wu views XI as a disciple of MAO (ZEDONG = Little Red Book) rebelling against DENG, who allowed the private sector to flourish and sought positive relations with the West (Decadent Nations). “(XI) He’s really anti-USA and anti-West (culture),” Wu said.

    *** End Quote ***


    No matter who climbs Beijing’s ranks, XI Rules (Catbird Control) ; 2022.10.12

    Observation -->

    Apparently , XI will *change* the RULES of the TYRANT People's Liberation Fraud Show (Party) ... So that XI can now be TYRANT for LIFE ... Additionally , XI would seem to CHOOSE all the major SUBORDINATES in his 'Fraud Show' Party Leadership Ranks too ... And apparently , that some place like TAIWAN would wish to VOTE and CHOOSE their Leaders , is NOT quite what XI has in mind for ANY NATION ... PRChina = Choose Anyone , as long as it is XI in the Power Catbird Seat ... Looking forward to XI , cruising around in a OLIGARCH YACHT , ranting about 'Western Nation Decadence' as the source of All Evil.

    Edited 9 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “XI (PRChina Leader) = TYRANT for LIFE ??? ; 2022.10.12” to “XI (PRChina Leader) = TYRANT for LIFE ??? ; 2022.10.14”.

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