ABE (JP) <-- KISHIDA (PM) Investigates UNIFICATION CHURCH Role in Shooting Death ; 2022.10.17

  • apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-japan-crime-religion-fumio-kishida

    KISHIDA (JPN PM) orders probe of Unification Church (S.KR) ; 2022.10.17


    Japanese former leader ABE honored at divisive state funeral ; 2022.09.27


    USA seeks united front in Asia despite S.KOREA, JAPAN tensions ; 2022.09.28


    EXPLAINER: Why is Japan split over ABE’s state funeral? ; 2022.09.26


    EXPLAINER: What’s behind strained China-Japan relations ; 2022.09.28


    Man sets himself on fire in apparent protest of ABE funeral (JP) ; 2022.09.21

    The URL above caused me to *fortunately* locate the URL below.



    How Shinzo ABE Sought to Rewrite Japanese History ; 2022.07.09

    Japan’s longest-serving Prime Minister wanted a more assertive place

    for his country on the international stage

    at the expense of atonement and historical accountability.

    The *conclusion* (below) gave me a definite LOL ...

    As it 'called out' the USA rather effectively ...

    *** Begin Quote of Ms. Alexis Dudden ***

    It is the irony overlaying his (ABE) career because, at its fundamental core, making Japan “beautiful” (so rewriting JAPAN WW2 History) is quite anti-American (Anti-USA). And yet, on the surface, (ABE) he’s seen as the person who tried so hard to make Japan’s alliance promises to the United States stronger. But these are solely in security terms (so , a *MILITARY* strengthening of JAPAN) , and have led to greater insecurity in the region (ASIA). The standoff with South Korea, the increasingly frozen ties with PRChina, are a result of ABE’s determination to make JAPAN GREAT AGAIN (via 'twisting' WW2 History). And it therefore really comes down to: What is the meaning of “great” for ABE, and for the legacy of ABE ??? Because, again, most Japanese (citizens) have come to have a different understanding (of ABE's greatness or not). The other irony is that all of ABE’s nationalism will be overlooked by (USA) America because (ASIA = JP) politicians like ABE allow (USA) America to *OUTSOURCE* its containment of PRChina.

    *** End Quote of Ms. Alexis Dudden ***

    The *last* sentence above , is the LOL one for me ... It is as the USA is 'selling it' to JAPAN --> 'Yes , WE are all in this together (containing PRChina and RUSSIA) ... And so , YOU , JAPAN , surely want to be *THE TIP OF THE SPEAR* in say any *MILITARY CONFLICT* involving your ASIA friends like TAIWAN , right ??? ... And , the USA will be (safely) *right* BEHIND you , with our attack bombers based in OKINAWA ... So , JAPAN , GO GET THEM , TIGER !!! ... *TIP OF THE SPEAR* !!!' ...

    Edited 15 times, last by krell ().

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    Click for TOP Message this Thread.

    As added 'chatter' ... My understanding , is that 'Those' who control

    the *KISHIDA / ABE* Political Party = 'Those' who were *supporters*

    of TYRANT *TOJO* during World War 2 ... Which is WHY that ABE

    was so *motivated* to 'twist history' with regard to JAPAN and WW2.

    Which is WHY that more 'common' JAPAN citizens are NOT so impressed
    with ABE , and likely KISHIDA either.

    And ABE's *Grand Father* (Nobusuke KISHI) is the one who apparently
    started up the 'bonding' with 'MOONIES' (Unification Church = S.Korea Founded).

    In other words , ABE just kept up the *tradition* of taking MONEY contributions

    from the *MOONIES* Church.

    Edited 8 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ABE (JP) <-- *Burning Man* indicates ABE *NOT* Loved by All ; 2022.09.21” to “ABE (JP) <-- FUNERAL + *Burning Man* indicates ABE *NOT* Loved by All ; 2022.09.27”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ABE (JP) <-- FUNERAL + *Burning Man* indicates ABE *NOT* Loved by All ; 2022.09.27” to “ABE (JP) <-- KASHIDA (PM) Investigates UNIFICATION CHURCH Role in Shooting Death ; 2022.10.17”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ABE (JP) <-- KASHIDA (PM) Investigates UNIFICATION CHURCH Role in Shooting Death ; 2022.10.17” to “ABE (JP) <-- KISHIDA (PM) Investigates UNIFICATION CHURCH Role in Shooting Death ; 2022.10.17”.

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