What in the World is Deagel.com? – Deagel.com: Forecast 2025 – Infinite Unknown
Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel, and to find that answer, Whois was the solution. Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other than former government insider, Edwin Deagle.
Deagle was Undersecretary of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense under Clinton in 1994.
Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the CFR.
Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world.
Just as interesting, it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagle’s name from the Whois information directory, as shown below. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.
This Whois registration change coincidentally took place at the same time when all the internet talk was going on over the discovery of the website, back in 2015.
Deagle held many positions under the Bill Clinton administration.
Deagle wrote the foreword to the book, World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981), in which he predicted a mass exodus from the US. (see the end of this article)
One thing is clear from looking at Deagel.com… someone with highly placed connections has published a ton of highly sensitive military and economic information onto one website and is making dramatic predictions about world government.
For someone to be able to coalesce this kind of information takes incredible effort and vast government and military resources.
To forecast a dramatic drop-off in US population is no small feat. It certainly has garnered a great deal of world attention.
To this author though, perhaps the most important question might be, who the site was originally developed for and how this strategic information is used by those meant to receive it.
Given the public alarm over the Georgia Guidestones, which suggest to many a culling of the earth’s population to the designated 500-million engraved on the stones, coupled with the concern over GMO food and government aerial spraying of our skies with toxic chemtrails, it is no wonder people are concerned about a predicted drop in population.
Now that the numbers are out, it will be interesting to watch population figures over the next decade.
For the present, a little more scrutiny of Deagel.com is certainly in order, as well as a close inspection of all others who are behind this bizarre defense related information website.
[From the book…World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981] Foreword by Edwin A. Deagle, Jr.
“The massive energy transition the world has been undergoing since 1973 continues to be full of surprises. Past predictions of energy independence based on a diversity of supplies; of the unlikelihood that conservation based on higher energy prices would be much help; of the prospect that OPEC countries would drive prices higher and higher have all proven wrong. Many people now interpret the current surplus in he oil market as evidence that the power of OPEC is broken and the energy crisis is essentially over. This prediction is undoubtedly wrong too.”
“What is true is that energy will remain high on the policy agenda of most countries for a decade and probably longer. New sources of supply require vast sums of capital and long periods of time to bring to the market. The promise of renewable sources of energy at reasonable prices remains in the future. conservation in reaction to high energy prices has been the most successful public response to the energy transition to date, greatly overshadowing the efforts of governments.”
“Nevertheless, governments and international agencies have begun to act. We note that the United Nations is holding a Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy at Nairobi, in August 1981. It is the first international effort in some time to attempt to fashion strategies for international action; and we hope that it will be successful.”
“In the belief that informed public opinion is both the prerequisite and the guarantee of effective public policy, The Rockefeller Foundation is pleased to support the work of Ruth Sivard in preparing this volume. Revised and expanded from an earlier version published in 1979, the volume is intended to provide an overview of the world energy situation and prospects for the future. Its merit, in our judgment, lies in the useful way it marshals complex facts and issues for the lay reader. The foundation takes no formal positions on matters of public policy and therefore does not, by its sponsorship, necessarily endorse the substantive views expressed in this report. We are pleased, however, to support this useful work with the hope that it will contribute greatly to public understanding of these complex and vexing issues.”
Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., Ph.D.
Director, International Relations
The Rockefeller Foundation
Sadly, Deagle’s ‘Forecast 2025’ looks much different now.
The following screenshot shows what detailed information you’ve got, when you clicked on the US for 2025.
Now this is not even possible anymore.
(Screenshot is from 2017):
Look at the newest forecast for your country here (and don’t miss to read the disclaimer):
– Forecast 2025:
There are 179 countries listed with a forecast for 2025. Click on the icons to sort the list.