Former President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev has died

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  • GORBY was *okay* ; *FAR* better than PUTIN (my view).

    GORBY and YELTSIN created a false impression that RUSSIA
    would *always* be as a *somewhat* reasonable 'Western Nation'
    that tried to get along well enough with other nations ...
    Then came PUTIN (ex-KGB) , and we know the rest of the story ... :(

    Sadly , unknowingly , and unintended , GORBY set the stage
    for PUTIN to take control of RUSSIA = TYRANT MILITARY NATION (now).

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • My history teacher spoke very well about him. In my thinking, he seemed to be a good man because he followed the example of Poland and overthrew communism in his country of the USSR and thus he was the only president and the last USSR. I am not a Catholic but he spoke well of John Paul II (the Polish Pope) with whom he met. I quote "He was an amazing man. A great spiritual leader, thinker, humanist."


  • he seemed to be a good man because he followed the example of Poland and overthrew communism in his country of the USSR

    Why Gorbachev Mattered ; 2022.09.06

    James Baker III (3rd) was (my view) the *most powerful* person

    in USA GOVERNMENT for Years 1980-1992 (Reagan-Bush as USA PREZ).

    Gorbachev’s marriage, like his politics, broke the mold ; 2022.09.04

    Observation -->

    PUTIN did NOT like GORBY , did not go to his funeral.

    Edited once, last by krell ().

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