if love dive remains at the top even after aespa cb, will ppl finally acknowledge ive's domestic popularity

  • ive had one of the best debuts in 4th gen (arguably the best) yet since the beginning, people passed off all their achievements as "international popularity" and gave aespa "domestic popularity" even though aespa only had one hit song to get that title. now ive is outperforming with love dive but people refuse to even acknowledge that ive might be popular nationally

    everytime people bring up stats to prove aespa's "domestic popularity", they seem to forget the part that aespa had literally released savage BEFORE ive's debut. aespa had a whole year more than ive to get higher followers or whatever other lame comparison mys want to bring up. and their token argument:next level. now we have love dive and somehow, people just pretend to ignore its achievements because its dance didnt go viral... even though wonyoungs "narcissistic my god i love it" dance and the dance break did go viral

    honestly i think ive has more domestic popularity than aespa but thats an arguable statement but i can say for sure that aespa doesnt have the stronghold on korea like many people want to believe and ive is insanely popular in korea but will it take love dive topping aespa's comeback for people to finally see that?

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  • I’ve never seen anyone say I’ve isn’t popular in Korea

    But i still think aespa is more popular, but let’s wait for their comeback to see

  • people already acknowledge ives popularity hence why they are still #1 in intiz after 3 months.

  • Ive already popular in Korea but if you are talking about overall popularity, ive can't beat because aespa has much bigger fandom power

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