Pearl-Iris drama thoughts/vents thread (^.^)
Love and Redemption ep 8 - Si Feng's new mask is so ugly, like its hideous, plz get rid of it soon
Ep 9 - Si Feng is just too pitiful, always suffering. Can't even do anything that his heart wants and when he tried to give Xuan Ji the piece of Mirror of Origin that he "accidentally" found, she refused to take it. He tortured himself so much to get that piece and then told her he found it accidentally but she didn't take it, just how pitiful he is.
Xuan Ji on the other hand is just so cute, when she tried to make him smile near the end of the ep, it was too adorable
even if it didn't work
Ep 10 was just outstanding. So much happened in that 45 mins. I love it when Xuan Ji turns into her original form, like she becomes unstoppable and makes you scream for her. She was trying to kill Si Feng though so this either means they were enemies back then or there's something more to the story.
That new girl of whatever sect is just unbearable to watch. She singlehandedly creates misunderstanding between Ling Long and Sixth Senior. Xuan Ji needs to stop saying that she likes Sixth Senior, this misunderstanding is gonna escalate so much if she didn't stop.
Xuan Ji not understanding what actually is the true love kind of gives flashback to Ashes of Love. I do hope Ling Long and Sixth Senior clears their misunderstanding. They both like each other but bcoz of this misunderstanding and Ling Long not listening I'm worried for their future.
Ep 11 - This was tense. I'm glad that Sixth Senior confessed his feelings to Ling Long in front of everyone. The misunderstandings are yet to be cleared but its a good start.
Its funny that everytime they get in trouble, I wish for Xuan Ji to transform into her original form, I was waiting in this ep but it didn't happen😅
Ep 12 - So many good things happened, Si Feng got to know the cure to get rid of his mask and that Xuan Ji doesn't like Sixth Senior and Sixth Senior - Ling Long cleared their misunderstandings.
Watching ep 15, this series took a more serious turn though it mostly has been serious. Hurray that Xuan Ji removed his mask, that deserves a celebration
Changed the title of the thread from “Pearl-Iris drama vents thread (^.^)” to “Pearl-Iris drama thoughts/vents thread (^.^)”. -
Finished Hometown Cha Cha Cha, I liked it
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