Lenght of each post 3
5 pages (5 songs) - 20 posts in total (3) 100%
3 pages (3 songs) - 35 posts in total (0) 0%
2 pages (2 songs) - 40+ posts in total (0) 0%
something else in comments (0) 0%
Right now, I'm working on the first few posts and I just realized that the posts might be extremely long. Right now my first post of 5 songs is literally 5 standart pages lol. Should I reduce their length ?
Considering that I originally planed 20+1 posts, reducing each post to 2/3 songs would double the amount of posts (it won't change anything on my side, but it might make the entire list hard to follow).
I'm also making a tag list for people who want to be updated with the list. The first list post will be tomorrow :
pls enjoy, I need akorns