I got a question about male idols and couple fanservice

  • Why if Korea is conservative and still kind of closed minded about homosexuality do fans love to ships male idols with one another and even male fans kind of give fans fanservice of them being loving towards eachother, is it because is not seen as gay? or what's the deal, sorry if the question sound kind of ignorant i am just really curious because i have watched some korean videos on youtube where they make different people interact and i have seen korean guys in those videos say things like "couples should be always a girl and a guy" but then you see people shipping same gender idols which makes me confused, or is the shipping an international fan thing? again i apologize if my question is stupid :sweatr1:

  • Same sex shipping in K pop panders to straight fans. Basically, fangirls and fanboys would much rather think their object of affection is gay and therefore not interested in them than think they are straight. It's no secret why there is always a self insert for fans within these ships.

    International LGBT fans often mistakenly think idols are trying to give them a shout out or some representation but it's not like that at all.

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