oh hello
how are you?
dreamed of heeseung last night you go figure lol i'm good dw i'm used to dreaming of him should be more active here sigh how are YOU?
tell me the details (only if you are comfortable telling it hehe)
i'm used to dreaming of jungwon too i'm doing good, just doing projects and homeworks i haven't finished yet
lmao you came to poop on my wall
u hoe
it’s what you deserve
yeah i like it dirty
Hi, can you please vote for me here?
Thank you!
Hi, voted. Good luck!
oh hello there potato, u need something?
I need your akorn...
You don't use it anyway
I'm collecting akorns for yeonjun badges
What's your reason? If it beats mine I'll reconsider
For the next limited badges?
Nah not good enough sry
OMG it is you!!!!!!
Yup it is me
Good to see youuuuuu
AND I took the first spot! yayy
she’s nugu that’s why 👀
Trash stop stalking me, I know you're obsessed but you gotta control yourself
oh hello
how are you?
dreamed of heeseung last night you go figure
lol i'm good dw i'm used to dreaming of him
should be more active here sigh how are YOU?
tell me the details
(only if you are comfortable telling it hehe)
i'm used to dreaming of jungwon too
i'm doing good, just doing projects and homeworks i haven't finished yet