A teenage boy (Darren Wang) who has been raised by wolves and has developed keen, supernatural-like senses, meets a woman named Ma Zhai Xing (Li Qin), the teenage daughter of a government official – and the duo strikes up a firm friendship.
But Wolf Boy knows little about the ways of civilized society and is easily duped by Ma Zhai Xing’s brother into offending a powerful group of people who then hunt him down and push him from a cliff. However, the fall has not killed the boy, instead just leaving him badly injured.
The Yang ruler Chu Kui (Ding Yong Dai) has learned of Wolf Boy – and goes searching for the youth. He believes he can make use of the boy’s powers and eventually adopts him as his own son, keeping his true identity a secret.
Raised to be ruthless and fiercely loyal to Chu Kui, he is eventually named as a royal prince. But eight years after the prince’s fateful fall, he is suddenly reunited with Ma Zhai Xing.