Stage Name: Khael
Birth Name: Lee Sang Min
Group: Mirae
Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Producer
Birthday: January 18, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: B
Symbol: ☐ (Square)
II. Khael Facts
– He was was a contestant on Under Nineteen in the Rap team.
– He was one of the top 20 finalists and could have debuted with 1the9.
– His nickname is Shin-chan from crayon shin-chan. He also gets called a prince.
– Role Model: NCT.
– His hobbies are collecting figurines, plastic models and writing.
– His specialties are writing and producing.
– His favorite food is pizza.
– His favorite colors are Black and White.
– An unusual fact about him is that he can impersonate people, he can imitate the voice of the South Korean president.
– 3 things he hears about himself often is that he is funny, he doesn’t look his age and he doesn’t have a good picture of himself.
– One of the items on his bucket list is to give his parents a luxury car
– If he were the last person on Earth he’d sing Zak Abel’s Say Sumthin.
– His favorite song is Zak Abel’s Say Sumthin
– Some friends he made after Under Nineteen are H&D’s Nam Dohyon, MCND’s Bang Junhyuk, 1the9’s Yoo Yongha and Shin Yechan.
– He had a solo concert as HXINXATXA on December 29, 2019.
– He’s been a trainee under DSP Media since July 2016.
– He cameo-ed in April's Japan 2nd Single “Oh-e-Oh'' MV.
-His hobby is writing, shopping, watching movies.
-His specialty is composing, he can beatbox.
-Roomates: Junhyuk, Douhyun, Khael, Siyoung and Yubin share the big bedroom.
(credits to kprofiles for these facts)