Started as an urban enviroment variety, where the RM Members and the guest had to complete missions in mostly museums, stadiums and other indoor places, it changed to a reality variety, where they completed missions on various indoor and outdoor locations mostly in Korea, but also visited many countries in Asia and sometimes even further away for example in Great Britain and Swiss for the family package tour.
The reception for the first episode was mixed, but soon the show became more succesful, with the help of celebrity guests like Super Junior, SNSD, f(x) and Big Bang and even spread through SEA, where the members always got a big welcome from their fans at the airports. The international fans were partially so fanatic, that they had to change locations because of overcrowded malls.
Since 2014, RM got a franchise in China, since 2019 in Vietnam
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My #1 variety show. Thank you for making this. It's hard for me to make the article because of their long-list achievements