Posts by Growling_Wolf
It's good. The lyrics are touching 🤧.
Oh that's interesting. Maybe they'll add her to the new group.
Finally! New music soon pls.
If this company would just let it go. It's over dude.
The song is so good! The ending surprised me lol. It's giving "The 100" which is cool. I love their own lore.
I agree for the exact reasons. I really like Loossemble's lineup and the song sounds so good so far! I definitely prefer their company so far over JJs.
Bop, she slayed
Cool With You, Hype Boy, Cookie
Jeez they couldn't get her a blanket to lay on.
It's definitely possible guys. 5 members are with JJ(the creator of the Loonaverse/Predebut project) and another 5 are with a former BBC director who follows all the members who have a ig, the ARTMS project and Chuu's company. All 12 are still on good terms, and Chuu has been visiting, promoting and supporting the members. Maybe not this year, but I believe it will happen.
Blop for me. The chorus could of been stronger.
You can't blame her after everything the members been through. I wish she'll fine a good company.
Okay this doesn't look too bad. A reunion is possible, and we can see the members branch out annd do other things. Excited to see what the future holds for them.