The world needs EXO. But will EXO respond to their call?
Posts by kahei
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These images triggered such intense emotions within me that I felt like I had to make a post.
I loved Danielle's curls most of all. I probably liked every other hairstyle she's had. But this. I don't even know what I'm looking at. I don't think I want to know.
Ok, I am being a bit harsh. I just really, really don't like this hairstyle on her. Maybe it's the pictures themselves? The lighting? The post? The pose? The quality?
I'm not trying to insult Danielle specifically - lord knows my faves have had PLENTY of terrible hairstyles. But that doesn't mean it hurts any less once it happens again.
I'm sure they'd appreciate the approach!!
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People need to pull themselves up by the bootstaps and stan Kiss of Life.
People convincing themselves that it's just a small subset of employees is a bit ignorant. Many other employees may not be actively participating in these abuses, but they are definitely complicit. Or they may be encouraging the abuses more subtly. Or they overlook these abuses, rationalize them, normalize them.
why even watch Kpop? I would make the claim that most Kpop idols have some eating disorder at some point in their career. The industry as a whole promotes that style, the fans promote that style. Fans literally fat shame idols all the fucking time. It's not like the industry does this independently. If fans wanted bigger idols and supported that more then companies would push that. At some point fans have to look in a mirror and understand their own role in pushing this shit.
I completely agree.
They don't view their idols as people - not even Twice, the idols they claim to love more than anyone else.
If they truly loved Twice, they would've noticed what they have been struggling with things in the realm of eating disorders.
They would've declared solidarity - not just for Twice, but for every idol who has gone through this and still is.
I love Miracles in December so so much. Both the Korean and Chinese version.
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Yves has also spoken out!
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It's really refreshing to see an idol stand up for what they believe in, in spite of the taboos.
Sorry if I should've put this in the Current Events category!
You should not underestimated how much damage their popularity can take if they are put on hold for an year and if they need to change dame. One year in kpop can be a long time when your fans maybe are kpop fans for a few years and then move on. And even if they don't like Hybe/Ador today, it was their support and money that made them the stars they are today. It's not that easy to replace that support and make in runining smothly from start.
But they don't have to be as popular as before. Like, it's reasonable to worry that their popularity/success may take a hit from this. That belief is completely different from pushing a narrative that the girls are completely done for.
In my opinion, it's better that their fame will take a hit if it means they're be happier. Loyal fans will stick with them and whatever they do from here has the chance to regain other fans and bring in new ones.
I'm honestly going to say NewJeans, mostly because I enjoy their choreography the most.
I've surprised myself, not that I'm a hater or anything, but because my biases tend to sway towards aespa. Also - as controversial as it is - LSF. Mostly because I enjoy their stage presence, despite their lip syncing.
I wonder if this protest is calling for the impeachment of the president?
I don't understand how one could be a NewJeans stan and go on about how they're "over"? If, in the worst case scenario, they aren't "NewJeans" after this - they've still made an impact as NewJeans that won't be erased. Most people know NewJeans as the girls themselves, not Min Heejin, and especially not HYBE.
Like, I know I haven't been 1000% on board with NewJeans' decisions (especially regarding Min Heejin) but I am still of the belief that it's up to the girls to carve the path they desire. It's not up to me. I can have my opposing opinions, but it wouldn't be fair to let that fester into hatred towards the girls. They deserve to have agency over their careers - their LIVES. If a non-fan such as myself can have at least a bit of faith in them, a stan should definitely have infinite amounts of faith.
Your job as their stan is to uplift them! To defend them when they're being wronged - even abused! I mean, you don't have to be a stan to do that, honestly... but you're not really a stan if you don't.