Black to the Pink to the korean korean
Korean korean korean
Maybe I am the problem
Black to the Pink to the korean korean
Korean korean korean
Maybe I am the problem
you are so pressed op lmao
the comeback is near
2ne1 had a huge scandal(which was not really their fault), plus CL wanted to focus on US and minzy left and also they weren't the main moneymakers so all the misogynistic officials voted to disband them.
Bp are the main moneymakers, they haven't had a huge scandal (hopefully i don't jinx it) and all the members individually are huge, profitability wise, yg needs them more than other way around. if bp disbands its because the members themselves might not want to renew.
hylt was about haters
ic was about sex
i am so tired of the lore concepts
Your favs can never, people should make babies to this song
no relevant act has made their cb
So when they hold the yg family concert behind a paywall, blinks can throw their money
Such a beaut
Exo really are kings of discography
of course sheer raw talent and charisma wise she will stomp everyone there but sadly she will probably not be winning the show.
they only call it strategy to discredit bp themselves having a hand in their own success, because the so called strategy isn't really working for the other acts in the company. Everyone knows bp would be 5x more successful with more music and promotions.
while good self produced groups are always downgraded
Do they though, if anything people put them in a higher pedestal than groups who are not self produced by most kpop stans. Rarely have I seen any unprovoked attacks on groups about their self produced thingy.
Fuck you asshole